core time

美 [kɔːr taɪm]英 [kɔː(r) taɪm]
  • (弹性工作时间制中的)基本上班时间
core timecore time
  1. To eliminate the transverse crack in castings , it is necessary to strictly control the impurities in chemical composition and drawing core time as well as stayed time of castings in mould .


  2. IT employers who worked under " combined arrangement of core time and flexible work hours " showed higher level of emotional commitment and regulation commitment , more positive work attitude and higher loyalty to the organization compare with the employees under other work hours system .


  3. The single most important parameter in the design of a ferrite memory is the core switching time .


  4. The dynamic characteristics of permanent magnetism actuator are calculated to obtain the relationship between suction suffered moving core and time .


  5. WebSphere Application Server V7 contains support for a Web / JDBC application scenario in which only the Web container and core run time components are started .


  6. The road of research includes " going back to Marx "," according to the changing practice to analyzing the rational core and time limitation of Marxist firm theory ", " critically making use of western firm theory " .


  7. In the software design , the software core Real Time Operating System ( RTOS ) is researched . Its main function module and relative application of RTOS / BIOS with the function of bottom application interface is got clear .


  8. Thirdly , by constructing the mechanical model of contact system and permanent magnet actuator , the displacements of moving contact and moving core versus time while contactors ' closing are also simulated based on ADAMS software package .


  9. Rest , rest , for evermore Upon a mossy shore ; Rest , rest at the heart 's core Till time shall cease : Sleep that no pain shall wake ; Night that no morn shall break Till joy shall overtake Her perfect peace .


  10. A Real Time Core based on time slot is introduced and its application in automotive body control is given .


  11. But Chinese social security system , in a long time , took urban dwellers as core all the time .


  12. Social development is an assessing category with social practice as its essence , human development as its core , social time and social space as its form .


  13. The analysis indicated that the algorithm of calculate attribute core has low time complexities ; the method of attribute reduction applies to consistent information system and inconsistent information system .


  14. In the implementation phase , taking a core module , time reporting module , as an example , it described the detail implementation of presentation layer , logic layer and data layer .


  15. Add the-cg argument that will be used to display information regarding the current core group run time state alone , with quorum state , and heartbeat interval settings .


  16. Not all the rows need be in core at the same time .


  17. The time-keeping system is the foundation and core of the standard time service .


  18. Core beliefs develop over time and largely depend upon our past experiences .


  19. The influences of the experimental conditions such as core spacing , writing time and incidence angle were analyzed .


  20. We have done some research on an IP core design of real time clock RTC based upon the intelligent monitor system SOC .


  21. It would be a shame to have to redevelop an application 's core business logic every time the preferred user interface technology changes .


  22. Nowadays , people are doing much more researches on the architecture and core algorithms such as Time Management , region matching , and object instance discovery of RTI .


  23. This method can widen the application of wire-line core drilling , save time in completion of hole , and solve coring problem in some difficult formations to a certain extend .


  24. The energy structure of our country takes coal as the core for a long time , the coal produces SO2 , NOx while burning , which made the serious air pollution and the acidified rainfall .


  25. When the measured current and disturbed current operate on iron core at the same time , the magnetization of iron core is uneven . It will lead to closed channel of multichannel comparator .


  26. And mix up your workouts throughout the week -- either with cardio , core and flexibility each time , or a rotation of workouts emphasizing endurance , strength and stretching .


  27. The interpretation model for waterflooded formation at high water cut stage is set up by means of neural network analysis technology . Core analysis data and time lapse logging data from sealed coring wells and observation wells are used .


  28. Given the design parameters , it is importance to predict the temperature and temperature difference distribution of the cavity and the core and the cooling time which provide essential foundation for designer to evaluate scheme and to optimize cooling system design .


  29. The important analysis indexes included number of published papers , number of cited papers , citation frequency , number of papers cited by core periodicals , citation time distribution and difference , authors and citation journal distribution , etc.


  30. By decreasing the grade of cast iron , using furan resin selfsetting sand as a substitute for clay sand to make the core and prolonging cooling time in mould , the cracking problem has been solved .
